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Dr. Babak Vosooghi Zadeh, Lawyer of Canada

Member of the Law Society of Ontario, Canada

Area of Practice: International Law, Bussines Law, Civil Litigation and Immigration

GPLLM, Canadian Law at University of Toronto, July 2019
Ph.D. International Law at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran – Iran, June 2015
M.A., International Law at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran – Iran, September 2009
B.A., Law at Shahid Beheshti University – June 2005

Babak Vosooghi Zadeh, “New International Financial Architecture”, 2015, Iranian Legal Research Review;

Babak Vosooghi Zadeh, “Rules Governing the International Banking”, June 2015, PhD Dissertation
Babak Vosooghi Zadeh, “IMF Malfunctions and the Reforms Ahead”, Jan. 2014, Iranian Legal Research Review:
Translation: “Kant’s Theory on Int’l Law”, Int’l Law and Legal Theory (Tehran: Mizan Publications, 2010)
Translation: “John Rawls’ Law of Nations”, Int’l Law and Legal Theory (Tehran: Mizan Publications, 2010)    

Address: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Contact Dr. Babak Vosooghi Zadeh