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What is International Environmental Law?

What is International Environmental Law?

International Environmental law deals with environmental issues at the global, regional and local levels. Its primary missions are to regulate the global environment and to set rules for States to implement environmental regulations and obligations and to promote a consistent application of the ecological dimension of sustainable development.

The purpose of international environmental law is to protect and preserve nature by fighting against nuisances and pollutions and developing rural, urban and cultural heritage. For this purpose, all of the States, in cooperation and collaboration with specialists in the field, must achieve the above objectives by adopting new rules and obligations, taking environmental protection as a state duty, which must be financed by funds state, take bans and obligations, set costs for environmental goods and provide, finance and encourage investment in the environment.

As Dr. Abbas Poorhashemi and all., discussed in the article “Development of the concept of “Environmental Damage” in International environmental law, the evolution of the concept of “environmental damages” is one of the aspects of development in international environmental law. After increasing global ecological problems and lack of efficiency in international environmental law to prevent the damage, unifying the concept of “environmental damage” in the law is being considered as a solution for this matter. Moreover, the development of international laws, including customary and conventional law, plays an essential role in describing “environmental damage.” For instance, codification and elaboration of over a thousand bilateral or multilateral treaties and agreements on international environmental laws verify the role of these laws in the development of the content and substance in this legal field. However, some aspects of the “environmental damage’s” concept remain unclear. So, in the present study, with the analytical approach, we are trying to analyze the development of the concept of “environmental damage” in international environmental law. It would also be ensured that determining and defining the “environmental damage” are essential for addressing environmental problems. In addition, to prevent and reduce environmental pollution, it can be considered as a tool to establish international responsibility in the case of Transboundary damage to the environment. The conclusion of this paper is based on the progressive development of the “environmental damage” concept in international law.[i]

One of its main tasks is to promote the development and application of international environmental law. CIFILE is trying to provide specific courses to enhance legal, environmental skills and knowledge by collaboration with qualified experts and activists. This division also could work with UN’s organizations (UNEP, UNDP, UNESCO and etc.) in troubleshooting guides for environmental issues and will participate in negotiations by providing its member’s expertise in International Law and in foreign jurisdictions. CIFILE provides environmental expertise, legal training, online courses, conference, legal research and publication to legal professionals. CIFILE works with groups of international environmental lawyers across the globe to try to promote the practice and expertise of Public International Law.

Sustainable development law, also as a branch of International Law, is a law of international development. As the United Nations defined, the Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. In this perspective, CIFILE attempts to analyze the specific needs and challenges faced by that country to participate effectively in sustainable development. This division of CIFILE provides International Law expertise, legal training, online courses, conference, legal research and publication to legal professionals. CIFILE works with groups of international lawyers across the globe to try to promote the practice and expertise of International Investment Law. If you need further assistance or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our team of experts at

[i] Khalatbari Y, Hermidas Bavand D, Zare A, Poorhashemi SA. Development of the concept of “Environmental Damage” in International environmental law. Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016 Dec 1;14(4):339-50.

Suggested citation: Dr. Abbas Poorhashemi, What is International Environmental Law?, Canadian Institute for International Law Expertise (CIFILE), June 06, 2020,

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