What is Public International Law?
International law is the set of rules and regulations which govern relations between states and international organization (Public International Law) or between private persons in an international context (Private International Law). The norms of international law are made up of legal instruments ratified by several States: agreements, conventions, protocols and international treaties. They can be bilateral (between two States or International organizations) or multilateral (between several States). The signatory States undertake to apply these rules in their territory.
International law can be divided into two main branches: Private international law, which is the set of rules applicable to the relationships of private persons of a different nationality. Its purpose is to resolve conflicts of laws arising from relations between foreign persons, in particular, to know which law applies to the relationship and to deal with conflicts of jurisdiction. Public international law, the purpose of which is to regulate the relations existing between States or international organizations. It includes treaties, customary law, Principles of a general practice accepted as rules of law.
Examples of areas of Public international law: Law of the war, Law of the sea and the seabed, Environmental law, Law of space.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) are for the mission to settle disputes submitted to them in accordance with international law.
Our International lawyers around the world, allowing us to be able to give advice and consultation to our clients worldwide. The essential components of the division’s activities are negotiation, litigation, expert legal opinion, arbitration and legal research. CIFILE’s Lawyers can provide legal services in several areas of law, including Public or Private international law, real estate, business law, intellectual property and litigation. If you need further assistance or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our team of experts at info@cifile.org
Suggested citation: Dr. Abbas Poorhashemi, What is Public International Law?, Canadian Institute for International Law Expertise (CIFILE), June 07, 2020, https://cifile.org/2020/06/what-is-public-international-law/. |