Scientific Members
Canadian Institute for International Law Expertise

Gianpaolo Maria Ruotolo
Gianpaolo Maria Ruotolo
Scientific Member of CIFILE,
Associate Professor of European Union Law
University of Foggia, Italy
Gianpaolo Maria Ruotolo is associate professor of European Union Law in
the University of Foggia, Italy, where he teaches EU law, international trade law, private international law, international organizations law.
He holds a PhD in international law from University of Naples “Federico II”. Lawyer enrolled in the special register of full-time university law professors, he’s authorized to practice before the higher courts. Visiting professor at King’s College London and Institute for advanced legal
study (IALS) University of London. Member of the PhD teaching college in General doctrines of law the University of Siena.
He’s lectured on various issues in PhD and postgraduate courses held by the Universities of Udine, Siena, Venezia, Roma, Perugia, Bari, Pisa, for UNESCO and UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute) and in projects funded by the European Union and has acted as a private arbitrator and as a consultant for governmental administrations. He’s a member of the editorial staff of many scientific journals (“Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo”, “La comunità internazionale”; “Studi sull’integrazione europea”, “Ordine internazionale e diritti umani”, “EJournal of Law”, “Quaderni di organizzazione internazionale”) and has published extensively (more than 50 articles and 2 books) on international law, EU law, international organizations law, conflict of laws, international trade law, IT law. Many of his works can be found at
He’s member of the International Law Association (ILA), the European Society of International Law (ESIL), the Italian society of international and EU law (ISIL-EU), Italian Association of European Union Law Scholars, Internet Society (ISOC).